Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekend Update

So, just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean I stopped paying attention to the postseason. Can we talk about the first two games of the series for a second? Wow. The Sox are not taking this post season lightly. They are actually over-prepared, which is a refreshing sight compared to the Atlanta Braves, who now sit on the edge of being knocked out by the Dodgers. Winning one game by the skin of their teeth and losing the other two by 5 runs, Atlanta is toying with their fans' emotions yet again. Even if they can make it out of this series, it won't be easy to defeat the hot underdog Pirates or the playoff fiends that are the St. Louis Cardinals.

Now, back to the best team in Major League Baseball. The Sox's first game of the series was a complete blow out. They embarrassed Tampa Bay defensively, hitting balls right between two outfielders, took advantage of slow coverage on bases and sent balls bouncing off of the monster's back wall. They scored 5 runs in the fourth inning alone. In fact, every Red Sox starter scored a run and collected a hit that night. That, my friends, is how you know you belong in the playoffs. 

Game two was equally exciting, at least for David Ortiz. His first two-homer post season game ever, he smashed one run 399ft from home plate in the 1st and sent another 387ft in the 8th. I'd love to talk more about Big Papi, but you'll just have to keep an eye out for his own dedicated "Why I Love" post. The Sox won 7-4 and althought I didn't get to watch either of these games live, I was surrounded by family this weekend which definitely made the sacrifice worth it.

I loved being able to sit around and talk sports with my aunts, uncles and cousins. Most of my family still lives in New England, and while there are plenty of Sox fans to gab with, I think I enjoyed talking with the far and few between Yankees fans the most. Those kinds of converstations are what I'll always remember having.

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